Finding Gratitude in Your Problems

When doors close, windows open.

How can you find gratitude in your problems? What an oxymoron.

I have found, in short, problems are just that when you see them in that light.

Anyone watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s?  Holly Golightly has problems. How does she deal with them? Not necessarily through gratitude, but her problems seem to roll right off her back. She seems to be okay with confronting her landlord,  telling the taxi driver to step on it, and getting help when she can’t find her alligator shoe.

On top of handling problems this way, why not find gratitude in your problems?

The Bliss App helps you process what may be troubling you to stop staring at the closed door and look for the open windows.

In the Transforming Problems exercise, you state what the problem is  then you state how this problem is an opportunity for growth and then choose how you will respond to the issue.

Draw a circle around you, friend, because that is the only thing you can control in this world.

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